Prayer Saturated

Prayer saturation is when God becomes REAL to His people through ANSWERED prayer.

You are invited to the Prayer Room at Richwoods.

The purpose of this space is to provide a place and opportunity to live out our value of being a prayer saturated people; creating an atmosphere where you can speak directly to God and opportunity to slow down and listen to what he wants to say to you! This is a place for anointing, healing, confession, reflection, communion, blessing, intercession, and restoration.

Reserve Your Time in the Prayer Room

How can we rejoice in answered prayer?

Share an Answered Prayer

How can we be praying with and for you?

Share a Prayer Request


Prayer is a ministry that releases God’s comfort, healing, encouragement and empowerment into a person who has requested prayer. We have a team of people who love to pray and have a heart for walking alongside others. How can we be praying and/or rejoicing with you?

Prayer Request

Prayer Warriors

As a church, we want to be Prayer Saturated! One of the opportunities to live this out practically is through partnering with us in praying for one another as prayer requests come in each week! Are you interested in joining a team of prayer partners who will commit to praying over the non-confidential requests of the Richwoods Christian Church Family? We would love to have you join the team! You can look for prayer requests via email throughout the week as requests come in and pray when and how the Holy Spirit leads you.

Join the Prayer Warrior Team