Year End Giving

Give a year end gift online

God has incredible things planned in the days ahead at Richwoods and our hope is that all of us can be a part of that in as many ways as possible. So, as we head towards the end of the year, we invite you to consider making a joy-filled donation to the church. We truly believe that God is going to use every act of generosity to help people find and follow Christ through Richwoods Christian Church. We are grateful for you, your generosity, and your partnership in the gospel! 

Did you know…

That nearly 1/3 of all charitable giving occurs in December?

And 10% of all giving is done the last three days of the year?

10% of all giving at Richwoods goes toward spreading the gospel outside the walls of the church?

Join us on the mission of helping people find and follow Christ.

Thank you for your generosity!

Here’s how to maximize your year-end giving:

Giving of Money

The most popular way to make a gift is with cash, check, or credit card. 

There are several easy ways to do this, including:

  •     Give at church
  •     Mail to the church
  •     Give at
  •     Give via the Richwoods App 
  •     Text RichwoodsKx to 77977

Reminder: To take a deduction for the gift on your 2024 tax return, your gift must be postmarked or received by the church on or before December 31, 2024. 


Corporate Match

Many large and local corporations offer employee charitable giving match programs. Check with your company to see if they offer corporate matching, thus doubling your donation to the church. 


Gifts of Non-Cash Assets

You can also donate certain assets to the church. By giving the asset directly to the church (rather than selling it and donating the proceeds), you likely avoid paying taxes on the sale, and then the total amount the church receives is larger.   Non-cash gifts can include:


Please contact Morgan Stanley at 309-671-2893, and their team will help you setup your gift to Richwoods.

They will need to know:

Account Title: Richwoods Christian Church
“For the benefit of” / Receiving Institution Account Number: 416012199213
DTC Number: 0015
Name of Receiving Institution: Morgan Stanley
Contact Name at Charitable Organization: Sandra Thompson
Telephone Number: 309-691-5252

Please contact our bookkeeper Sandy Thompson to discuss giving Cryptocurrency, Real Estate, or other non-traditional assets.



Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. This year on Giving Tuesday, let your generosity echo into eternity with a gift to Richwoods, as we partner together to help people find and follow Jesus.



All gifts (cash and non-cash) must be made by December 31, 2024. 
But some of the ways to give may take longer to arrange than simply putting a check in an envelope.  Don’t let time run out!  Please don’t wait to notify your investment advisor to make sure your gift can be given by year-end.




For help with any of this, please contact our bookkeeper Sandy Thompson at




The purpose of this publication is only to make you aware of the possibilities that may exist for you to make a donation to Richwoods Christian Church. This is not to be taken as advice for financial or tax purposes.  Please consult your tax adviser.
Some of these types of gifts generally take longer to arrange, so please don’t wait to notify your investment advisor to make sure your gift can be given by year-end.