On Restful Wednesday, posture your heart towards an attitude of complete rest. 

If possible take the day off work, but otherwise consider ways you can find rest throughout your day. Use this rest as a way to look inward at what fills our buckets. To reflect on what Easter is truly about, what the Lord has done and is doing through our lives, and remembering that we can come to him weary and find rest in His presence.

Restful Wednesday Conversation Cards

We encourage you to gather for a family dinner or dinner with close friends. Use the conversation cards in your Holy Week Kit to facilitate intentional conversation about Sabbath, rest, what brings you joy, etc. And use the magnet as a present and future reminder of rest and filling our buckets!

Daily Completely Dependent Prayer Prompt:

Restful Wednesday:

“You cannot create intimacy. You can only make room for it.” – Tyler Staton

Enjoy this podcast that will help you rest in the truth that you are beloved. God takes great delight in you.

Bridgetown Daily Podcast Episode 570: Imaginative Prayer

Share about your Holy Week experiences on social media using #richwoodsholyweek.