On Remember Thursday, take time to remember Jesus’ journey from Palm Sunday all the way through the Resurrection. 

Daily Completely Dependent Prayer Prompt:

Allow Holy Spirit to work in your heart through the following liturgy. Read it slowly and consider reading it aloud. Remember our Savior’s sacrifice, and give thanks for the hope and freedom it offers.

Adapted from Every Moment Holy, Volume 2: Death, Grief, and Hope.

Use your Holy Week Kit box (or any box around your house if you don’t have one) to build your own Resurrection Egg kit to use year after year.

Resurrection Egg Cards

Each card walks through the story of Jesus and the events that took place before his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. As you read the story, find items within your home that best represent that part of the story. Fill in your item on the line provided so you know what it represents each time you open the kit.

Don’t forget to share your kit with us! Tag us on social media, we would love to see ways that your family represents this beautiful story!

Share about your Holy Week experiences on social media using #richwoodsholyweek.